More Science, Less Grind With the Labstep Cloud ELN

Eyebrow Goes HereHeadline Goes Here Lorem

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  • Sed diam nonumy eirmod
  • Labore et dolore


R&D can be a complex and uncertain process that comes with risk, time constraints, and intellectual property concerns. Your Electronic Laboratory Notebook (ELN) should help improve those challenges, not add to them.


Ideate, create, and protect your IP with Labstep, a STARLIMS company.

Labstep robot main
Labstep Time Icon
Save Time
Researchers using Labstep reduce administration time  by 17% and project duration by over 50%
Labstep Cost Icon
Reduce Costs
Researchers using Labstep gain 75% more value with 20% less cost
Labstep Productivity Icon
Grow and Scale
Our customers reduce time to market by over 18% and improve productivity by over 20%
Labstep Coffee Grinding protocol

An ELN Built by Scientists for Scientists

Labstep is a modern, R&D cloud ELN platform that uses interactive step-by-step protocols as templates for data collection to ensure all relevant data and metadata about your research is captured in real-time. Labstep's ELN streamlines laboratory work, delivers real-time data capture and collaboration, and enhances data integrity and security. Built by scientists, for scientists, Labstep delivers connected laboratory execution software that accelerates the research process and guides organizations towards a digital future.

Uncover the Power of Real-Time Data

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Headline Goes Here Lorem

Subheadline text goes here lorem ipsum dolor.